You Will NOT Believe What I Did in Mexico !!


The last few days of our time in Mexico on the resort was not very eventful. Just nice sunshine, time around the pool , on the beach, ate at the Best Buffet Breakfast in the World .REEEE-laxing. But it wasn’t all quiet and dull.

We threw a dinner party for our few of our Mexican friends at the local La Laguna restaurant in Nuevo Vallarta. We had the whole red snapper (that was butterflied so you didn't have to look the fish in the eye and it was spiced and delicious.) Of course we brought a bottle of our favorite Tres Generaciones tequila to share. As usual we tried to get our friends to sip this aged tequila instead of shots, somewhat unsuccessfully 🙂

A Cocktail Bar called the Alchemist

The restaurant was closing and kicking us out when a few of our thirty something friends said we needed to try out the best craft cocktail place ever called El Alquemista . Translation : The Alchemist , Alchemy is not only for Harry Potter fans, but it is one of the historical roots of Pharmacy….. and I’m a Pharmacy professor and a Pharmacist! We had to go.

So What Won't You Believe?

But wait, there was a catch. The signature brand for El Alquemista was a long dead rattlesnake in a big clear jug of liquor. A shot for everyone was on the house. Oh, well , they had done it before and not died. Gotta be in the moment, right? So Por Que No??

SURPRISE !! It was a really smooth and dare I say delicious blend of liqours that tasted mostly like Mescal ! You could also have them shoot a squirt from the snakes head in your mouth. Ummm…. NO !! I have limits.

So our last night in Mexico was ….. eventful…… and a ton of fun.
If you want to go, El Alquemista is just south of Walmart on the West side of the road between Bucerias and Nuevo Vallarta. It is listed on Tripadvisor, but I am guessing maybe you have to go with locals before they bring out the snake, because they don't mention it.

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